3D Scanning + VR Fusion
- over time, our team has performed a series of works which represented premieres at the
respective moments, as follows:
- collaborating with the National Bank of Romania and under the high patronage of the
Romanian Ministry of Culture - we made the first professional 3D scan of an artwork –
the sculpture Wisdom of the Earth by Constantin Brancusi - the 3D model can be
viewed here: https://sketchfab.com/models/b6d1fe4fd6d642378314f757e7d50f85 ( can
rotate, magnify, translate in all axes and from all directions).
- collaborating with the National History Museum of Romania - we created the first
professional 3D scan of the natural size of Trajan's Column - the 3D model can be
viewed here: https://sketchfab.com/models/0508395d070f40b78ce4501490b5ea0a
- under the high patronage of the Italian Embassy in Bucharest - we built the largest
architectural layout of the metropolitan area of Bucharest with approx. dimensions of
3X3 meters, starting from a three-dimensional model fully designed by our company
and executed entirely by us – the 3D model can be viewed
here: https://sketchfab.com/models/a91488b754294ae9ba10b529d416ba3b
- we are collaborating with the Alba-Iulia City Hall to digitize and recreate the Vauban-
Alba Carolina citadel, in honor of the 2018 Centennial Jubilee -
Details here: